Summaries, Class Coordination, Course Management, Assessments, Assessment Criteria, Class Characterization, Management Indicators

Certified by MISI

Private and public schools, professionals and day schools

Inovar Alunos harmonizes the collection, processing and provision of information on teaching activities and everything that arises from them: class characterization, plans, summaries, absences, registration of occurrences, evaluation criteria, grades, descriptive summaries, guidelines, analysis statistics, signaling within the scope of DL 54/2018, among others. The data in the system makes it possible to keep parents and guardians up to date with school life.

On a more administrative and archival level, it contains enrollments and training offers, allows you to sort applications from the Enrollment Portal, manages forms and biographical records of students, issues certifying documentation, is a vehicle for transmitting data requested by the guardianship, …

Therefore, it plays a relevant role in the daily work of all education professionals.

Application adapted to the training path:

The application consists of several automatisms that allow easy use, which makes it highly effective in creating and managing CVs by administrative services.

In addition to a quick and simple registration process, the application renews it automatically.

Immediate access to class listings with information per student about age, Schooling social benefits allowance, repetition status and signaling of specific educational needs. Possibility of recording and consulting behavior and disciplinary actions taken. Simple consultation of student attendance.

Teachers also have a menu available where they can quickly view the latest events that have occurred in the class, such as absences, behavior records, changes in enrollment status, assessments and scheduled activities and notifications.

For recording daily summaries, allowing the introduction of attachments and easy repetition of the text when the class takes place over several continuous periods. It also allows the recording of non-teaching activities, support and substitute classes. The teacher can view the weekly planning of their work, as well as distinguish, through different colors, the summaries that are written and those that have not been recorded.

The application allows teachers to launch mid-term and end-of-term evaluation proposals directly into the program, as well as record descriptive summaries of the subjects they teach.
It is possible to configure and parameterize different assessments for different curricula.

It offers teachers the possibility of nominating students for educational support and can make all reports in the application itself. It allows not only to carry out screening reports but also to monitor students with special educational needs.

Meeting scheduling can be done in the application, as well as writing, sending and/or printing notices and, finally, writing and printing minutes.

There is the possibility of sending notifications, emails and SMS to teachers, students and guardians through the application, with the entire history of communications made being documented. Possibility of writing letters, by class directors, for students, guardians and others involved in the student monitoring process.

Monitoring the class regarding punctuality and attendance, academic results and support measures implemented. Justification of absences and possibility of making information available to guardians, on the consultation platform or by sending communications. Area for recording contacts made within the scope of class management.

Automatic collection and aggregation of data available in the application from the moment of registration. Access to individual information by the class director. Possibility of applying a questionnaire, configurable, with subsequent data processing similar to that given to registration information.

It allows filtering student data and exporting it to Excel, allowing data to be processed according to the preferences or needs of each organic unit. It automatically generates numerous graphs and tables that facilitate the analysis of statistical data that can also be printed in PDF. All this data is calculated in real time and allows the visualization of maps based on the indicators that the OCDE uses in the PISA report.

The production of statistical reports and maps facilitates the preparation of balance sheets, at a micro and macro level; allows you to compare similar periods, save and present history, allowing you to monitor the evolution of results, as well as intuit trends. Comparisons are also available between internal assessments (student, class, year, organic unit) and external assessments.

In particular, there is the possibility of comparing the 3rd period classifications with the final internal classification (CIF), exam grades and final grade. These comparative graphs can be viewed in terms of total positives, averages and overall performance.

These reports carry out statistical analysis by class, by year of schooling, and by subject.

As an example, the first one allows the visualization of a set of tables and graphs that will help the analysis of the rankings by period.

Between the tables and graphs, you can view the distribution of classifications by subject and class, as well as analysis graphs. It allows analysis based on location measures (such as the mean, mode or median) and dispersion (such as standard deviation). The school can compare the results of the students, with the educational level of the parents, or in terms of gender.

In addition, this report can be printed in PDF and Word format so that the school can enter its notes regarding each table or graph.

The objective is to provide indicators that help in the decision-making of the various interlocutors of the educational establishments, either through the treatment of data already existing in the system or by providing a simple collection of others considered relevant, arising either from the periodic evaluation or from the characterization of the students themselves. , their households and the socioeconomic contexts to which they belong.

It is also intended to study the influence of the implementation of measures to promote success (such as support classes, increased teaching load, or fewer students per class, among others ), the educational level of parents and guardians, or access to new technologies in school results.

The application provides information (collected upon enrollment and throughout the school year), organized and processed, recurrently requested from organic units (stratification of the population by educational establishment, by year, by gender, by age or by nationality, for example, or returning data on the ethnicity of students or on school dropouts, to mention just a few of the requests) or that, at a given time , it is important to know (students with specific educational needs, students whose mother tongue is not Portuguese, number of retentions in the school career, expectations for the future, among many others).

In this way, schools will have access to information regarding various indicators , which will allow them to make decisions faster and more appropriate to their reality, contributing to the improvement of the performance of management processes by these institutions (in terms of results achieved and reasonable goals to be set, in terms of the functioning of the different educational services, as well as aspects of management and attentive and timely intervention leadership).

Possibility of recording and monitoring punctuality, as well as teacher attendance.

Possibilidade de atribuição de perfis adequados a cada utilizador. Possibility of assigning appropriate profiles to each user.

It is also possible to configure whether writing summaries is permitted outside educational establishments or restricted to them.

Single application per group, available for all levels of education, and guaranteeing all specificities.

Possibility of defining different assessments and time frames for each school and level of education.

Provision of an informative platform (inovar consulta), configurable, so that the student, the guardian and others involved in the teaching-learning process can consult, in whole or in part, the adopted manuals; the curriculum, schedule and appointments on the class agenda; the summaries of the different disciplines; attendance and behavior records, continuous assessment and periodic assessments, descriptive summaries and the student’s qualifications. It also allows the pre-registration process and the completion of online questionnaires.

SIGE (Microio)
WebUntis (Infohorários)
PFEB (Import and Export)
ENES (Import and Export)
ENEB (Import and Export)
Enrollment Portal (Enrollment Import)
SIIFSE (Export)
Timetable Applications (Import)
MISI / Ministry of Education (Export)
IGeFE (MEGA Program – School Manuals)
SIGO (Export)

Set up billing plans/schedules per cycle
Set up per-student billing plans/schedules, with multiple payers (separated parents or companies subsidizing tuition)
Obtain student or customer checking account
Email alerts and sending
Issue documents with entity and reference for MB payments (IfthenPay)
Direct debit payments
Issue billing and current account documents (*)
SAFT Export (*)
(*) Connection to the Primavera Profissional program

Inovar Alunos maintains certification with v10 of ERP Primavera, thus promoting the pedagogical component and all associated accounting documentation to be managed in a single solution. For more information please see

Sumários, Coordenação de Turma,  Gestão de Cursos, Avaliações, Indicadores de Gestão

Escolas privadas e públicas, profissionais e externatos

A aplicação cumpre todas as alterações impostas pelo Decreto-Lei 139/2012, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei 91/2013  e pela Portaria 74-A/2013 e  possui vários automatismos que permitem uma fácil utilização, o que confere à mesma uma elevada eficácia na gestão dos currículos por parte dos serviços administrativos.

O programa permite que o processo de matrículas seja rápido e simples, podendo matricular-se automaticamente todos os alunos de um ano letivo para o outro.

Acesso simples às relações de turma em diversos formatos, com informação sobre a idade, a existência de subsídio da Ação Social Escolar e a sinalização de necessidades educativas especiais, por aluno. Possibilidade de registo e consulta de comportamentos e ações disciplinares instauradas. Consulta simples da assiduidade dos alunos.

Está igualmente ao dispor dos docentes um menu onde podem visualizar de uma forma rápida os últimos eventos ocorridos na turma, tais como faltas, registos de comportamento, ou marcações na agenda.

É uma ferramenta útil no registo dos sumários diários, permitindo a introdução de anexos e a repetição fácil do texto quando a aula decorre em  vários tempos contínuos. Os sumários são registados e subnumerados por módulo para um melhor controlo e também para facilitar o cálculo da taxa de presenças no mesmo.

A existência de cronogramas, atualizados continuamente em função dos sumários escritos e/ou das alterações no horário da turma, permite ter uma perspetiva da data de fim dos diversos módulos e disciplinas.

A aplicação permite que os docentes visualizem a taxa de presenças ao módulo quando estão a lançar as classificações dos alunos. Permite ainda o registo  das avaliações feitas nas diversas épocas de recuperação.  As pautas podem ser modulares, periódicas, globais ou para um intervalo de datas.

A aplicação permite o registo de todos os dados relativos à Formação em Contexto de Trabalho (FCT), desde o regulamento até aos dados relativos às empresas que acolhem formandos, o monitor e professor orientador. Permite, ainda, registar a assiduidade, os sumários e a avaliação. Em suma, possibilita a inserção dos dados essenciais no Dossier de Formação do Aluno.

A aplicação permite o registo de todos os dados relativos à Prova de Aptidão Profissional (PAP), como o regulamento, o cronograma, a lista de todos os alunos, com a designação do projeto, do professor acompanhante e, por fim, da avaliação do aluno. Permite, ainda, o registo dos sumários e possibilita a inserção dos dados essenciais no Dossier do Projeto do Aluno.

Disponibiliza ao docentes e ao diretor de turma, o registo das medidas de integração na comunidade e/ou de recuperação, da aprendizagem que o aluno vai realizando ao longo do ano escolar, prevendo a subtração das faltas recuperadas no registo do aluno, mantendo sempre, no registo, as faltas efetivamente dadas.

O objetivo é facultar indicadores que auxiliem na tomada de decisão dos vários interlocutores dos estabelecimentos de ensino, quer através do tratamento dos dados já existentes no sistema quer proporcionando uma recolha simples de outros considerados pertinentes, provenientes quer da avaliação periódica quer da caracterização dos próprios alunos, dos seus agregados familiares e dos contextos socioeconómicos a que pertencem. Também se pretende estudar a influência da implementação de medidas de promoção do sucesso (como o são as aulas de apoio, o aumento de carga letiva, ou menos alunos por turma, entre outros), do nível habilitacional dos pais e encarregados de educação, ou do acesso a novas tecnologias nos resultados escolares.
A aplicação disponibiliza informação (recolhida aquando da matricula e ao longo do ano letivo), organizada e tratada estatisticamente.

Esta  aplicação permite as mesmas integrações que a plataforma inovar alunos.

Sumários, Coordenação de Turma,  Gestão de Cursos, Avaliações, Indicadores de Gestão

Escolas privadas e públicas, profissionais e externatos

A aplicação cumpre todas as alterações impostas pelo Decreto-Lei 139/2012, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei 91/2013  e pela Portaria 74-A/2013 e  possui vários automatismos que permitem uma fácil utilização, o que confere à mesma uma elevada eficácia na gestão dos currículos por parte dos serviços administrativos.

A aplicação permite o registo diário dos sumários, bem como das presenças ou ausências dos formandos.

Disponibiliza ao estabelecimento de ensino a possibilidade de extrair mapas com apuramento de horas lecionadas pelos formadores e frequentadas pelos alunos.

Os formandos podem recuperar volume de formação pelo que, consequentemente, os docentes podem desconsiderar faltas.

Poderá ser registada uma avaliação descritiva por aluno em cada área/unidade e sinalizar a “certificação” do mesmo.

Sumários, Coordenação de Turma,  Gestão de Cursos, Avaliações, Indicadores de Gestão

Escolas privadas e públicas, profissionais e externatos

A aplicação cumpre todas as alterações impostas pelo Decreto-Lei 139/2012, alterado pelo Decreto-Lei 91/2013  e pela Portaria 74-A/2013 e  possui vários automatismos que permitem uma fácil utilização, o que confere à mesma uma elevada eficácia na gestão dos currículos por parte dos serviços administrativos.

O programa permite matricular os alunos na sua área de formação, distinguindo devidamente o regime de frequência escolhido pelo mesmo para cada disciplina (presencial ou não presencial).

Os docentes podem registar os seus sumários e sinalizar as faltas dos alunos.

Podem ser lançadas as avaliações atribuídas terminado cada módulo, por época de recuperação ou por equivalência.

A aplicação dispõe de uma ferramenta gerir as épocas especiais de recuperação. Feitas as inscrições, é possível extrair as pautas de chamada para cada disciplina e época. Da mesma forma, depois de lançadas as avaliações, pode obter-se as respetivas pautas.

O Inovar Recorrente possibilita a extração de um ficheiro com dados para inscrição dos alunos na plataforma dos exames nacionais de ensino secundário (ENES).

Summaries, Class Coordination, Course Management, Assessments, Management Indicators

Private and public schools, professionals and day-schools

The application complies with all the changes imposed by Decree-Law 139/2012, amended by Decree-Law 91/2013 and by Ordinance 74-A/2013 and has several automations that allow easy use, which gives it high efficiency in CV management by administrative services.

The program allows the enrollment process to be quick and simple, allowing all students to be automatically enrolled from one academic year to the next.

Simple access to class relations in different formats, with information on age, the existence of a subsidy from School social benefits and the indication of special educational needs, per student. Possibility of recording and consulting behavior and disciplinary actions taken. Simple consultation of student attendance.

Teachers also have a menu available where they can quickly view the latest events that have occurred in the class, such as absences, behavior records, or calendar appointments.

It is a useful tool for recording daily summaries, allowing the introduction of attachments and easy repetition of the text when the class takes place over several continuous periods. The summaries are registered and subnumbered by module for better control and also to facilitate the calculation of the attendance rate in the same.

The existence of schedules, continually updated depending on written summaries and/or changes in the class schedule, allows us to have a perspective on the end date of the different modules and subjects.

The application allows teachers to view the module attendance rate when releasing student classifications. It also allows the recording of assessments made during different recovery periods. Agendas can be modular, periodic, global or for a range of dates.

The application allows the recording of all data relating to Workplace Training (FCT), from the regulations to data relating to the companies that host trainees, the monitor and the guiding teacher. It also allows you to record attendance, summaries and evaluation. In short, it makes it possible to insert essential data into the Student Training Dossier.

The application allows the recording of all data relating to the Professional Aptitude Test (PAP), such as the regulations, the schedule, the list of all students, with the designation of the project, the accompanying teacher and, finally, the evaluation of the student. It also allows the recording of summaries and allows the insertion of essential data in the Student Project Dossier.

It makes available to teachers and the class director, the record of community integration and/or recovery measures, of the learning that the student carries out throughout the school year, providing for the subtraction of the absences recovered from the student’s record, always maintaining, in the record, the absences actually given.

The objective is to provide indicators that assist in decision-making by the various interlocutors of educational establishments, either through the processing of data already existing in the system or by providing a simple collection of others considered relevant, originating either from periodic assessment or from the characterization of the students themselves. , their families and the socioeconomic contexts to which they belong. It is also intended to study the influence of implementing measures to promote success (such as support classes, increased teaching load, or fewer students per class, among others), the educational level of parents and guardians, or of access to new technologies on school results.
The application provides information (collected at registration and throughout the academic year), organized and statistically treated.

This application allows the same integrations as Inovar Alunos platform.

Summaries, Class Coordination, Course Management, Assessments, Management Indicators

Private and public schools, professionals and day-schools

The application complies with all the changes imposed by Decree-Law 139/2012, amended by Decree-Law 91/2013 and by Ordinance 74-A/2013 and has several automations that allow easy use, which gives it high efficiency in CV management by administrative services.

The application allows daily recording of summaries, as well as the presence or absence of trainees.

It provides educational establishments with the possibility of extracting maps showing the hours taught by trainers and attended by students.

Trainees can recover training volume so, consequently, teachers can disregard absences.

A descriptive assessment per student may be recorded in each area/unit and signal their “certification”.

Summaries, Class Coordination, Course Management, Assessments, Management Indicators

Private and public schools, professionals and day-schools

The application complies with all the changes imposed by Decree-Law 139/2012, amended by Decree-Law 91/2013 and by Ordinance 74-A/2013 and has several automations that allow easy use, which gives it high efficiency in CV management by administrative services.

The program allows students to enroll in their area of training, duly distinguishing the attendance regime chosen by them for each subject (face-to-face or non-face-to-face).

Teachers can record their summaries and signal student absences.

The assessments assigned after each module can be released, by recovery period or by equivalence.

The application has a tool to manage special recovery periods. Once registration is complete, it is possible to extract the call guidelines for each subject and season. Likewise, after the evaluations have been launched, the respective guidelines can be obtained.

Inovar Recorrente makes it possible to extract a file with data for student registration on the national secondary education exams (ENES) platform.